

Monday, February 15, 2010

レボリューショナリー・ロード Revolutionary Road

I watched Revolutionary Road, played by the couple in Titanic, because my daughter said it's good.  I knew it must be a not-so-romantic story of such a romantic couple 10 years later, but the movie actually is very bitter, much bitter than I imagined.  I am well convinced that my daughter is now pretty much a grownup, enjoying this kind of moving twince, once with her friend at a theater, and once with her mother at home.  As this is not a happy movie, I don't strongly recommend it, but we can enjoy 1950's American fashion and interior. 


Monday, February 08, 2010

今頃タイタニック Titanic

As I caught a cold this past weekend, I stayed at home to watch movies.  First, I saw Titanic because I liked Avatar by the same director.  As this is such a long story more than 3 hours, I can see it only when I am sick.  I didn't watch it when it road-showed, because I felt I've already seen it, watching TV commercials so often and listening to other people's comments all athe time.  As I rememter, most comments were rather negative, too long, the couple is just unnecessary, CG not very good, etc.  But I enjoyed it very much as a love story and historical fiction.  I would say, it's worth watching, though there are some to be criticized, such as the heroine is fat.


Thursday, February 04, 2010

桜咲く Cherry Blossom Starts to Bloom

Though I hated to run in this cold weather after snow, I decided to go to the park to run.  As I guessed, the running field was too muddy to run.  Too bad, but I found a bloomed cherry blossom when I looked up swelling buds.  Isn't it too early to bloom for cherry?  Althogh it's very cold now, it steadily goes to spring.


Wednesday, February 03, 2010

アブサロム、アブサロム! Absalom, Absalom!

昨年からマイブームのフォークナー、ついに代表作と言われている「アブサロム、アブサロム!」Absalom, Absalom! (Vintage Classics) を読了しました。はぁ~、難解。何しろ一つの文章、段落が長く、同じ段落の中で話し手がいきなり変わったりするので、気づいたら同じ行を何度も読んでいたり、目は文章を追っているけれど頭の中では別のことを考えていたり。。。を繰り返し、ちっとも前に進まず苦労しましたが、読み終えてみるとものすごい達成感と「お楽しみ」の終わった寂しさが。
I finally finished reading William Faulkner's Absalom, Absalom! (Vintage Classics), which is said to be his best.  Gee, it's very hard to keep reading because one sentence and one paragraph are exceptionally long and the narrator changes all the time in them.  So very often, I found myself reading the same line more than once and thinking about something elese though my eyes following the story.  I felt overwhelmed by its heavy story and story telling technique, but when I finished it, I felt a sense of accomplishment and sorry that the fun is over. 


Tuesday, February 02, 2010

嫌われ松子の一生 Memoires of Matsuko

In order to update this blog more often, I decided to write about movies I watched.
First movie is Memoires of Matsuko, a DVD my daughter rented the other day. Its story is terribly sad, yet the movie is bright and pop. I like it very much. I have an impression that Japnaese musicals are somehow ugly, but music and dance in this movie are very sophisticated and pretty. Personally, I like the tone of the movie which makes me think, "is this my dream?" I watched this movies just because Eita is in, but every actor/actress but Eita plays very well. ^_^;
