

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


ビーチーにて沖縄到着後本部へ直行、最初の晩はOn the Beach Lue で並里家とバーベキューの予定。ちょっと早く着いたので目の前のビーチを散歩したのですが、やっぱり我慢できずズボンをたくし上げて海に入りました。気持ちいい!
We headed Motobu right after arrival at Okinawa. We planned BBQ with Namisato family at On the Beach Lue. As we arrived a little earlier, we walked on the beach and we could not help rolling up our pants and walk in the ocean. It was so refreshing.
It was our first BBQ there, and it cost 1,800 yen per person with a lot of food. I couldn't eat rice ball after all.
On the second day, we rode high-speed craft to Minna Jima. It was cloudy all day long with squall once in a while, but we tried parasailing. It was a little scary, but much fun!
On the way going back from Minna Jima, we visited a souvenir shop "Ajima Motobu" run by Tetsuko Namisato. The shop is not completed yet, but full of good stuff. I bought a lot of souvenir and she treated us yummy acerola icecream.
The fourth day of our vacation is the middle of Obon festival and my little niece's birthday. MY gush, my father-in-law called Eisa dancers at home. Only four dancers danced in the garden, but there were about 80 more dancers outside. what a surprise!
We always eat A&W's humburger for our last lunch at the airport, but this time, my husband and I were dying to eat goyaburger. So we went to JF to eat it. It had much goya than I expected and goya rings were also good.


Monday, August 04, 2008



As my daughter's birthday was on the holiday, I decided to make a gorgeous dinner for her, but it's too hot to work in the kitchen for a long time...I ended up with making vichyssoise, taco rice and no-bake cheesecake. Only vichyssoise is kind of fussy and others are made quickly. My daughter did the decoration of the cake. After all, I cut corners for birthday dinner as usual.
