

Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Dinner

Though we've had quite a few bumps this year, all of family members could enjoy peaceful Christmas dinner as usual. Chicken this time happened to have a neck bone? left, and it looked so real that I couldn't help applogizing many times to it before I roasted it.


Friday, December 18, 2009

クリスマスカード Chritmas Cards

今年もちゃんぷるー・どっとこむのお客さまにクリスマスカードを書く季節になりました。 不景気だし先行き不透明な今日この頃、せめてカードだけは明るくポップなものを選びました。来年も頑張ろう!の気持ちを込めて。
It's time to write Christmas cards for champroo.com customers. I picked up bright, pop cards this year despite of this sluggish economy and uncertainty of the future with my cheers for them.


Monday, December 14, 2009

大根の葉 Daikon Leaves

We harvested our last daikon, Japanese raddish, from our field. Usually, when we put a daikon in our room, its leaves get withered, but this time, they erected and looked fresh as time went. It was so strange and beautiful, I can't help taking their picture.


Tuesday, December 08, 2009

間引き菜の根切り Cutting Root of Pulled Sprout

I was cutting sprout root tonight, drinking COLA SHOCK (I was shocked that I did't taste Wokka at all). Well, I can throw them away, but they taste good and seem to be so nutritious that I just can't.


Thursday, December 03, 2009

初めての卵焼き First Rolled Egg

息子が家庭科の調理実習の時間に作ったという、卵焼きに初挑戦。このために、わざわざ卵焼き器も買ったのですが、結果はこの通り~^_^; なぜか2枚に分かれてしまいました。でも、皆で美味しい!とほめまくって、彼を卵焼き係にしようと必死です。だって、彼以外誰も卵焼き作れないんだもん。
My son tried to make a rolled egg for the first time. I bought this pan for rolled egg for his try becasue he got interested when he made one at school. Somehow, rolled egg ended up two rolls, but we kept saying "it tastes good!" becasue no one but he can make rolled egg.
