

Monday, February 23, 2009


My friend gave me lots of Okinawan shallot. My best favorite is eating fresh with a little salt, dried bonio and soy sauce, but as nobody will eat it that way, I put it in a dish I was cooking. The taste was much better than I expected, and everyone ate it though reluctantly.

Next day, I put lots of Okinawan shallots in Japanese-style pancake and ate it with sauce for Jijimi. It was strikingly good!


Tuesday, February 17, 2009



Chocolate earned by boys in my family. I took a picture because I am so happy that my son got them for the first time in his 13-year life. Boxes in the back are ones given to my husband by his co-workers. "Let's eat!" I said, but my son said "let's wait until my sister comes home because I want to show them to her." So we waited, and my daughter brought more chocolate than my son gained....Poor boy!


Monday, February 16, 2009



We went to Jinadai botanical park to see plum grove. A plum tree in the picture has white and pink blossom, which is very unique. Blooming plum was very beautiful and small birds such as white-eye and oxeye birds were cute as well. We ate famous Jindaiji soba before going home.


Monday, February 09, 2009


東京ビッグサイトで開催されていた第67回東京インターナショナル・ギフト・ショー春2009 に行ってきました。同時開催の「日本いいもの再発見!」に沖縄県からも国頭村商工会、伊江村商工会などが参加していて、ふるさとの人々も頑張っているな、と嬉しくなりました。どこが不況なの?と思うほどの人出で熱気がありました。
I went to the 67th Tokyo International Gift Show 2009 Spring at Tokyo Big Site. Some societies of Commerce and Industry in Okinawa attended the show, which made me happy that people in my home prefecture are working hard. The site was so crowded and full of excitement that I couldn't believe the economy is pretty bad.


Thursday, February 05, 2009



Plum is blossoming in Tokyo, which make us feel that spring is coming. I received a picture of fully blossomed cherry tree from a friend in Okinawa. Hey, this is not a plum, but a cherry blossom. In Okinawa, it's perfectly spring and pink cherry blossom is in full bloom now. Even a white-eye bird rests on the tree.
