

Monday, May 17, 2010

そら豆初収穫 The First Harvest of Beans

One month after the first flower, we found big beans!  We were so delighted to harvest bigger ones.  Later, we found them a little thinner than ones on market, and it didn't taste as well either when we grilled and ate them.
Well, it was hasty of us to harvest.  We are looking forward to harvest again next week.


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

母の日 Mother's Day

My daughter gave me brownies while my son gave me Ghana chocolate as usual on Mother's day this year.  As she makes sweets for her friends on every Valentine's Day, she improves her skill and brownies are so good.  I can happily feel that my children grow just a little every year.


Monday, May 10, 2010

子供の日の夕食 Dinner on Children's Day

子供の日の夕食はたいてい手巻き寿司なのですが、今年はちらし寿司にしてみました。彩りよく、と思っていたのに最後に海苔を散らしたため、真っ黒。(≧□≦;)ちょっと合わないけど、子供たちの好きなコーンスープとまぐろのお刺身も添えてみました。 たまたま冷蔵庫で寝ていた刺身こんにゃくも。刺身と刺身こんにゃくが並ぶって面白~い、と妙に受けました。
Though I usually fix do-it-yoursel sushi roll for dinner on Children's Day, I prepared chirashi sushi this year.  I intended to make it colorful, but as I scattered dried laver in the end, it looked all black!!!  I added my children's favorite corn soup and sashimi of tuna.  I also added sashimi of konnyaku.  To my surprise, they liked them, saying "Wow, how strange to have both sashimi of tuna and konnyaku!"


Thursday, May 06, 2010

八重桜の花びら Fallen Petals

We went to Koganei Park on May 3 when the weather was warm and sunny.  I was so fascinated with vivid new green that I almost forgot about cherry blossom we enjoyed shortly before, but double-flowered cherry blossom was just falling down to make the park fantastic.
