今頃タイタニック Titanic
この週末は風邪を引いてしまい、自宅で映画を観て過ごしました。まず、この間観たアバターが良かったので同じキャメロン監督のタイタニックを。何しろ3時間超の長尺なので、病気にならない限り観れません。(笑い)劇場公開当時はコマーシャルが始終流れていたし、周りも大騒ぎで観た気分になり、見そびれてしまいました。当時、長すぎ、主人公の二人が邪魔、大したことない、と割と否定的な意見を多く聞いたような気がしますが、いや~、ラブロマンスもCGも素直に感動しました。ヒロイン太り過ぎ、とか突っ込みどころはありますが、一見の価値あり、です。 As I caught a cold this past weekend, I stayed at home to watch movies. First, I saw Titanic because I liked Avatar by the same director. As this is such a long story more than 3 hours, I can see it only when I am sick. I didn't watch it when it road-showed, because I felt I've already seen it, watching TV commercials so often and listening to other people's comments all athe time. As I rememter, most comments were rather negative, too long, the couple is just unnecessary, CG not very good, etc. But I enjoyed it very much as a love story and historical fiction. I would say, it's worth watching, though there are some to be criticized, such as the heroine is fat. |
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