アブサロム、アブサロム! Absalom, Absalom!
昨年からマイブームのフォークナー、ついに代表作と言われている「アブサロム、アブサロム!」Absalom, Absalom! (Vintage Classics) を読了しました。はぁ~、難解。何しろ一つの文章、段落が長く、同じ段落の中で話し手がいきなり変わったりするので、気づいたら同じ行を何度も読んでいたり、目は文章を追っているけれど頭の中では別のことを考えていたり。。。を繰り返し、ちっとも前に進まず苦労しましたが、読み終えてみるとものすごい達成感と「お楽しみ」の終わった寂しさが。
I finally finished reading William Faulkner's Absalom, Absalom! (Vintage Classics), which is said to be his best. Gee, it's very hard to keep reading because one sentence and one paragraph are exceptionally long and the narrator changes all the time in them. So very often, I found myself reading the same line more than once and thinking about something elese though my eyes following the story. I felt overwhelmed by its heavy story and story telling technique, but when I finished it, I felt a sense of accomplishment and sorry that the fun is over.
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