

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

今年の桜 Cherry blossom

Cherry blossom started blooming this spring, much earlier than usual.  This picture was taken in Inokashira Park, and the deep pink one is  campanulata, popular cherry in Okinawa.  I felt at home and enjoyed fabulous color gradation.  Let's go cherry blossom viewing picnic this weekend!


Monday, June 18, 2012

父の日2012  Father's Day 2012

娘の父の日のプレゼントはシャツとネクタイ、と思いきや、実はこれ、ケーキなんです!夫より私の方が受けました。  マンゴープリンの入ったチョコレートケーキで、味もGOODでした~。
My daughter's present for her father was shirt and a tie, no,actually it's cake! I enjoyed it much better than my husband did. Mango pudding in chocolate cake tasted very good.


Sunday, June 17, 2012

今年初めての夏野菜の収穫! First harvest of summer vegies!

We work on allotted garden to raise vegetables this year, too!
First we harvested basil, green pepper and tomato.  We planted cherry tomatoes, italian tomatoes and Momotaro or tomatoes, but Momotaro is still very green.  Egg plant is now blooming and we are looking forward to harvest them.


Thursday, May 03, 2012

岩手県へ行ってきました! Went to Iwate Prefecture!


I went to Iwate Prefecture for 3-day weekend starting on April 27.  First, I visited Hiraizumi, the  registered World Heritage site.  Golden Hall of Chuson-ji temple was of course breath-takingly gorgeous, but what I liked best was the stone statute in the picture left.  His calm face under the sun shine and the way he sits, slightly slanting, are so charming!


We stayed at Hanamaki.  The river in the picture is Igirisu Kaigan, English coast.  Actually, it's just a noraml river and we cannot see the pebble which I suppose appear in summer.  But it's a calm, beautiful place with a row of blooming cherry trees.


On the second day, we went to Kamaishi, where the damage of Tsunami is still visible.  There seems to be much to do for reconstruction.  After sadness, we enjoyed Kamaishi lunch before leaving.  Sashimi was especially good!


On the last day, we went to Kitakami, one of three most beautiful spots for cherry blossom in Tohoku area, to enjoy full blossom. 
As cherry trees in Tohoku are short, we can enjoy blossome in our reach and in front of our eyes. 


Well, we enjoyed food rather than blossom at last.
We enjoyed curry at the rest house in Kitakami.  In vegetable curry I ordered, there were big, fried vegetables with even soup and yogult.  My stomach was more than full.
In oyster curry my husband ordered, there were also big, fried oyster produced from Sanriku.  It was very tasty.


Saturday, February 04, 2012

ジャッキー・チェン Jackie Chan

With no particular reason, I am mad about Jackie Chan.  When I accidentally saw The Spy Next Door on TV, I liked his humorous, kind character, and a cut of action scene from his old mivie  made me interested in his old action movies.  So I watched all of Police Story series to be knocked out.  Then I watched Project A and Project A II.  Now I say, I am completely fascinated with Jackie Chan. 
At a movie theater, I watched 1911, 100th Jackie Chan movie.  It is a large sccale, historical movie in which he is not as active or humorous as usual, but very brave, and I enjoyed the movie very much.
In 1980's when Jackie Chan was a boom in Japan, I wasn't interested in him at all.  I preferred Holly Wood stars like Richard Gere and Matt Dillon, and good looks like Tony Leon and Leslie Chan, rather than Jackie Chan who looked liked someone in my neighborhood.
What a fool I was  when I didn't get interested in young Jakie Chan who was strong, kind, humorous and intelligent!  I am going to watch Winners and Sinners that one of my friends strongly recommnends.  So, my love for Jackie Chan seems to go on for a while.

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

2012年おみやげ Souvenir from Okinawa in 2012


When I went home Okinawa for holidays, I found very Okinawan magnets. I will give one of those to anyone who shops at champroo.com as a souvenir. This will continue until the magnets are gone, so you'd better hurry!


Monday, December 26, 2011

ソーシャル・ネットワーク The Social Network

クリスマス三連休の間に、録画したソーシャル・ネットワーク を観ました。息子が録画したもので、話題作だったから期待せずに観ましたが、意外と面白かったです。主人公ザッカーバーグを演じた俳優は本人そっくりだったし、天才のオタクとはこうなんだろうなあ、という機関銃トークに説得力がありました。アカデミー主演男優賞にノミネートされたのも納得の演技ですね。
During the last three-day weekend, I saw The Social Network  that my son recorded.  I just saw it just because it gained a lot of attention, and with no big expectation, but I enjoyed it very much.  The leading actor looked just like Zuckerberg himself, and his machine-gun talk convinced me that a real genius must be just like that.  No wonder he was nominated for Academy Award as the best leading actor.
It is interesting as a cinema that Zuckerberg is not a real jerk, but what he did turned real nasty as a result.  Maybe that's because he is a real genius.  It is also very ironical that as he tries to make his Facebook, a tool to connect people, successful, he looses his few girl friend and friend.
