

Monday, November 30, 2009

なんじゃ、こりゃあ! What a raddish!

収穫したばかりの大根をサラダにしようと切ってみたら、 写真の通りで、なんじゃ、こりゃあ!今までスジが入っていたりはしたけど、こんなの見たことない。。。結局食べられたのはしっぽの方だけ。かなりへこみました。
As soon as I cut fresh raddish from our field to make salad, it turned out as in the picture and I cried, "What the hell is this!?" I've never seen raddish like this, though we harvested a few ugly ones. We ended up eating only end part, and I was so disappointed...


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

雨に濡れるハナミズキ Dogwood in the Rain

Though we've had rather warm autumn days, it's chilly with cold rain. Red dogwood leaves look burning in the rain.


Monday, November 09, 2009

大根の初収穫 First Harvest of Japanese Raddish

I already pulled a few raddish before that started to rotten because I wartered them unnecessarily. I pulled the biggest and strongest because I need one for oden, Japanese pot dish. It was so much better than I expected that I took a picture. It tasted good, too. I even boiled leaves and ate them all in miso soup and sautee. One good raddish made me perfectly satisfied!


Wednesday, November 04, 2009

秋の空 Autumn Sky

In a beatiful autemn day, my teacher of my high-school days and I took a walk in Jindai Shokubutu Botanical Park. We agreed that Okinawan people born and raised there don't know much about common plants which most Japanese people usually know. I don't even remember the name of a tree which is so beautiful that I saw a name plate and took a picture, and wonder if my teacher remembers it.
