

Monday, October 26, 2009

ブロッコリーのわき芽 broccoli bud

We didn't fell broccoli because we were told that we can harvest bud afterwards, but first we just got a few buds to be in miso soup for green color. To our happy surprise, we can harvest more buds lately that they don't fit in a small tupperware. They taste as good as regular broccoli and I don't have to worry about worms after harvest, which makes me very satisfied.
Our fileld guide said, "As plants have strong power to survive, maybe worm ridden broccoli produce more buds than healthy ones." Hmm, plant world is more profound than it looks.


Thursday, October 22, 2009

フォークナー三昧 Indulging in Faulkner

Sanctuary(サンクチュアリ)、Requiem for a Nun (尼僧への鎮魂歌)に続き、 As I Lay Dying(死の床に横たわりて)を読んだ。学生時代以来ン十年ぶりだけど、面白い~!初期の頃の作品で、サンクチュアリなどはお金のために書いた扇動的な作品と本人が言っているらしいけど、どれも読み応えがあって、後のThe Sound and The Fury (響きと怒り)やLight in August (八月の光)を彷彿とさせるフォークナー作品です。特にAs I Lay Dyingは教養があるわけではなく、むしろ社会の底辺にいるような人々の独白から成り立っていて、話が分かりやすく、一章の長さが比較的短いので、フォークナー初心者にもお薦めです。
After Sanctuary and Requiem for a Nun , I read As I Lay Dying. It's been decaces since I read Faulkner last time, but they are as interesting as ever before. They were written early in his career and it is said that Faulkner admitted that he wrote sensational Sanctuary for money, but they are all well worth reading and as good as later masterpieces such as the The Sound and The Fury and Light in August . If you've never read William Faulkner before, I recommend As I Lay Dying in particular, which is easier to understand because not highly educated, ordinary people confide the simple story and chapters are relatively short.


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

ぬいぐるみの洗濯 Washing Stuffed Animals

As it is such a fine day, I washed stuffed animals and dolls today. I know I had better handle them more carefully, but I just put them in a net to be washed in a washing machine. Then they are dried under the sun. Sometimes for handmade ones, I need to stitch their ears and eyes afterwards because they become shaky after washing, but sewing is okay for me. Manufacutred ones keep good shape after washing. Daisy has been with me more than 25 years! and I don't know how many times she was washed, and she is still in good shape.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

虫との闘い Fight against Worms


We harvested broccoli and our mentors told us to keep it because we can still enjoy buds that will come out one after another. But worms are all over and eat our broccoli as much as they want, so we feel like felling it completely. As we know boiled broccoli is delicious, we keep our worm-stricken broccoli and fight against worms!
