Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Monday, April 24, 2006
母の日のギフト Mother's Day Present

On my net shop champroo.com, I 've prepared gift sets for Mother's Day. Handmade carnation made by me and with colored paper, which reminds me of the paper flower I used to make for school events such as athletic meet. I cut the part which will be petals with my scissor, fold and open the paper. God, I love craft like this, using no brain.
Monday, April 17, 2006
ゴーヤーの種まき Planting Nigauri Seeds

Two days ago I planted goya (momordica charantia), which was the third try. My wish is to make goya trellis at our balcony, but my first try failed because of record low temperature during summer and goya didn't grow as high as the fence of the porch. My third try failed again probably because of lack of sunshine and fertilizer. So this time I am committed to have lots of goya in the end and bought magnesium lime, compound fertilizer and manure compost, as the gardening magazine says. After planting, I put the urns at the spot where they can get much sunshine at our balcony.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
たんかん Citrus Tankan

Yesterday my mother sent me a box of citrus tankan. I was puzzled because it's not the season, but they taste sweet and juicy as usual. After thanking my mother, I said "Don't you have some hidden purpose for sending them?" Naturally she was seriously angry, saying "Why, I just sent them because they are good, is that bad?" I cannot stop being defiant to my mother no matter how old I become.
Monday, April 10, 2006
iPod nano

今年の夫からの誕生日プレゼントは、iPod nano。夫が自分用 iPod を買ってきた時にも小さい!と感動しましたが、この nano はさらに小さ~い(ちなみに、隣は私の名刺です)。このサイズと機能もさることながら、パッケージも含めてデザインが秀逸。これがソニーでないのが寂しい、とは夫の弁。まあね、でも初めてのパソコンがマックだった私には、ちょっと嬉しいマックの復活。
My husband's birthday present for me was iPod nano. When he bought his iPod, I wan much surprised by its small size, but this nano is even smaller! (the next to my iPod nano is my name card for comparason.) I admire its size and functions but admire its design including packaging even more. My husband said he is a little sad that it's not created by Sonny. Well, I agree, but as my first personal computer was Mac, I am happy about Mac's return.
Friday, April 07, 2006
Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Last Saturday, we we went to a movie theater to watch the Chronicle of Narnia in the morning, bought yakitori at Iseya (we stood in long line for the first time but their yakitori was reasonable in price and very delicious!) and went to the Inokashira Park for cherry-blossom viewing. It was a bit earlier than usual, but blossoms were breathtakingly beautiful.