

Thursday, April 30, 2009


Though we planned to go to Tokyo Disneyland, we went to photo exhibit hosted by Okinawa Times in Yokohama because our kids are too busy to go out with their parents. After enjoying Yum cha at Chaina Town, we moved to the Japan Newspaper Museum by rickshaw. It's so refreshing with young leaves of gingko tree and early summer breeze. The exhibit was nice, and the museum itself was so beautiful that just going there is valuable.


Thursday, April 23, 2009


Last Sunday, we finally seeded spinach, qing-geng-cai, and other leafy vegetables, thanks to our neighboring expert farmer, whom we decided to call our "master." It's still in April, but I was so exhausted by heat and strong sunshine. I am really worried about works in hot summer. But I say, "grow well, seeds!"
As I am worried that seeds are washed away by heavy rain two days ago, I went to the field and checked if they are okay. Spinatch didn't come out yet, but other vegies all came out all right.


Thursday, April 16, 2009


We started to turn over land to plant seeds. When we went to the field where there was nothing the other day, we found weeds. I wasn't happy that we should start with clearing weeds, but as soon as our guide told us "it's mugwort," I was so excited because it's my favorite herb. I harvested it for breakfast next morning. Thank you for my field for producing harvest before working!


Sunday, April 05, 2009



This is allotment garden we won this spring and we went to the first orientation the other day. There nothing in the lot, as we see in the picture, but we dream of much harvest. It's fun to think what we should plant. This blog may be farmer's diary for a while.
