| 今年は娘の誕生日が休日だったので、豪華なディナーにしようと張り切ってみたものの・・・あまりの暑さに手を掛けたのはビシソワーズのみで、後は簡単に作れるタコライス、チョコミント入りレアチーズケーキ。ケーキの最後の飾りつけは娘が自分でやったし、いつものように手抜きになってしまった。。。
As my daughter's birthday was on the holiday, I decided to make a gorgeous dinner for her, but it's too hot to work in the kitchen for a long time...I ended up with making vichyssoise, taco rice and no-bake cheesecake. Only vichyssoise is kind of fussy and others are made quickly. My daughter did the decoration of the cake. After all, I cut corners for birthday dinner as usual. |
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