

Friday, January 23, 2009


雑誌天然生活 の影響で、このところほぼ毎日食べるりんご、みかん、大根の皮をせっせと天日に干しています。果物の皮は入浴剤に、大根の皮は切干大根になります。切干大根は市販のものに比べると少し硬いですが、歯ごたえがあって美味しいです。入浴剤はみかんがお薦め。いい香りが広がって、よく温まるような気がします。

Reading Natural Life , I'm getting in drying peels of apple, orange and Japanese raddish that we eat almost everyday. I use dried peels of fruits as bath additive. Orange peel is my favorite. It smells wonderful and seems to make body warmer. Dried raddish peel is a little harder than commercially available one, but tasted okay.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009



We took an overnight trip to Aomori prefecture. As soon as we arrived at Aomori airport, we were in a white world of snow and I was just happy with snowing all day long. First day we took a stove train from Goshogawara to Kanaki-cho to visit Shayokan where Osamu Dazai was born. No wonder he became a son of Belial, born and raised in such a big, wealthy house.
In the train, we ate stove bento full of healthy local foods. It's fun to look at and tasted very good.
On the second day, we joined a snowshoe trecking. It was betterly cold, but we enjoyed kind guide's story full of love for nature in Shirakami, beautiful snowy landscape, footprint of rabbits and antelope, and sledding.
After trecking, we rest at a hot spa for a while and took a resort train from Fukaura to Goshogawara. We enjoyed beautiful Japan Sea.
A bus stop at Senjojiki where we stopped. Looks very cold! What is white in the wall is icicle.