

Thursday, March 30, 2006

新しい葉 New Leaves


Now we hear news of flowering cherry blossoms from all over the country, and even in the tiny deck of our condo, new leaves of ivy tell us spring has come. Watching these leaves growing from old ivy that I thought was almost dead, I feel refreshed.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


以前から気になっていたブログ、とりあえずbloggerで始めてみることにしました。 どきどき。


I finally decided to start my own blog, which I wanted for a while, with blogger. I am excited about it.

The picture above was taken this morning. This flower base is actually a container for pyrethrum coil. I've been thinking if I can use it for other purposes during winter because I didn't want to put it away. I finally find one. It is convinient to put flowers which are too short to be in regular flower vases. It looks so fresh under spring sunshine.