血液型が変わっちゃった! My Blood Type Is Changed!
久しぶりにいい本を読みました。とある勉強会で、親しく話したわけではないのにこの人の本なら、と本人から直接買って、しばらく友人に貸していて先日やっと読むことが出来ました。本当に辛い病気の闘病記なので、読んでいて苦しくなる箇所もありますが(友人は怖くて最後まで読めなかった、と)、著者は関西人でかなり面白おかしく書いていて、私は元気な著者に会っているので最悪の事態にならない、と判っているせいもあって、最後まで冷静に読めました。著者が病気とどう向き合っていったかを読み進めていく上で、人はどう生きるべきか、が鮮やかに浮かび上がってくる本なので、若い人にぜひ手にとって読んで欲しいと思いました。 This is one of the best books I've read lately. At a study session, I met an author who sold his book, and I decided to buy it right away, though I hardly knew him. I was so sure that his writing must be very good. As I rent this book to one my good friend before I read, it took almost two years for me to start reading. As this is a leukemia journal, sometimes it makes you feel uncomfortable (my friend said she was too scared to read through). But like many people from Kansai area, the author jokes around all the time, and as I know he is okay now, I can read calmly. Reading how he faced and fought against his disease, we can see very clearly how people must live their lives. Therefore, I strongly recommend young people to read this book. |
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